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Hey, I played your game and recorded my playthrough. My favorite part of the game was trying to find the best way to fight each enemy to avoid getting hit while killing them. Great job!


Really fun! I am super impressed with the level generation and the gameplay. It feels really good once you get accustomed to it, although I would say that the difficulty didn't feel properly scaled and sometimes I would run into really hard parts of the game right from the get-go. Otherwise, I really liked it :)

Thanks, I'm glad to hear you liked it!


Great game! love the main mechanic of floating up, seems so obvious but ive never seen it done before!, overall feels really polished, If i had any feedback it would be that the sound design could use work, the music seems to drown out the sfx mostly, and the sfx that are there feel a bit lackluster. Also i think it would be more enjoyable if the fuel started recharging faster after landing. Great game :D

Thanks, I appreciate the feedback!